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Cardiorespiratory Health and Airborne Contaminants

Kirsten Koehler and Meredith McCormack

There is a high prevalence of cardiovascular, pulmonary, and neurodegenerative diseases in the Maryland region. Many researchers are engaged in studying the health outcomes of these vulnerable populations without a robust scientific interaction with exposure scientists. This TRG is led by Kirsten Koehler (Associate Professor), who is an exposure assessment expert, and co-led by Meredith McCormack, (Associate Professor, JHU School of Medicine) and expert in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with asthma and COPD. Our focus is on defining the contribution of exposure to air contaminants (e.g., PM2.5, gases, vapors, allergens) prevalent in the Maryland region to a range of cardiorespiratory health outcomes including asthma, cardiovascular disease, COPD, and autism. This working group will enable such interactions to catapult the impact of ongoing NIEHS supported research as well as spearhead new scientific directions (Figure). Innovations in exposure science coupled with health outcomes in the population can help unravel environmental determinants of diseases in vulnerable populations. 

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